Mon 27 Jan
Busty _______ Busty _________ American ~~~~~~~~~~ 100% real pics ........... Jessica - 36
(little ferry)
Hello gentleman... we're Starr & Tara... & we would love to make u feel GREAT! - 23
(Columbus, On 79 in Heath. Between Newark & Hebron.)
***SPECIAL*** You WONT believe ur EYES! *RARE beauty Seeking Ple@sure!!* N@ughty!! (Beaverton) - 21
San Diego (La Jolla): Newbie friendly in upscale incall. - 35
(City of San Diego, san diego (incall/outcall))
!!XX!!! !!!!! !!!! Independent Latina in Montebello special 60 :) !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!XX!! - 26
(Montebello Pico Rivera Rosemead Downey)
💋:¦:- S e X ¥ ~*-:¦:-*•~ M i X * L a T i N a -:¦: ---💋 ☎ CALL ME!! I'm Available NOW :!!💋 - 21
(South SD County, IMPERIAL BEACH / Incall/Outcall)
💕Busty Blk & Chinese Hottie 💕 Slippery & Tight💕 K!NkY💕 👐 💟💟READY💟 ALL DAY & NIGHT💕💯% ℛℰᎯℒ 💕 - 22
(North Jersey, Elizabeth in some oc (Nina love)100% rea)
WhY HaVe HAmBUrGerS??? WhEn u C0uLd HaVe FiLeT MiGn0N!!!! OPeN 24/7 CaN i TaKe Ur OrDer?????????? - 20
(IN/OUTCALLS 24/7 (310)910-8146)
WhOa BaBy __ U WoN't GO WrOnG W/ THiS *_ S e X y _*___~ B .L .O .N .D .E ~___** $8O.OO SPECIAL - 24
{ " LuCiOuS ChOcOlAtE TrEaT" } && { PuT mE At ThE ^ToP^ oF yOuR LiSt } && { " EarLy RaTeS " } - 21
(*Beachwood InCaLLs *)
°x° CLiCK HERE °x° iF YOU °x° REQUiRE °x° THE BEST °x° - 23
(culver city incalls off the 405)
*☆* NOW IN THE FRENCH QUARTER *☆* - SexXxy Latina PORNSTAR Jahiara- *☆*
(Private french quarter incall)
¦:-• C A N ' T •-:-• G E T •-:¦:-• A N Y •-:¦:-• B E T T E R •-:¦:-• - 24
(North Jersey, out calls only)
❀ Gorgeous Brazilian/French Mix ❀ Blue Eyes ❀ 34Ds ❀ Avail. Now! ❀ Last Chance!! Leaving Tonight!!! - 23
(Philadelphia, Center City/Old City/Downtown)
(`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´) S W E E T, S E X Y, && N A U G H T Y *** B L O N D E (`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´) - 19
(City of San Diego, Miramar/kearney mesa)
Hey guys its jennifer your Texas girl and im Ready to show u a good time. 100 dollar specials - 23
(Columbus, Columbus. East)
*VoLuPTuOuS BLoNDe__ ☆ S_T_U_N_N_I_ N_G_ _B_E_ A _U_T_Y ☆* BuStY BeAuTy !!!! - 24
(- - - - - - D T C - - - - - - - - - -)
WOW!!! Busty 19 Yr. Old REAL Porn Star! Leaving Soon!! explore These GIANORMUS 58 LL CUPS! - 19
BRITNEY in BERGEN COUNTY!!! Super Sexy Sensual White Hottie ***Petite*** Body*** Independent - 22
(bergen county incalls outcall)
(( H o T ) ) ___ E X O T i C ___* B R U N E T T E * ___ V i X X E N ___ ( ( W o W ) ) - 23
While shes out shopping today ...YOU can COME PLAY !!! - 37
(Los Angeles, pasadena/altadena/arcadia/monrovia)
BooTy LOvErS! ➡️CL!CK H€R€! 💦🐾FeT!shes!😜😜NeW PiCs📷 HigHLY R€vi€W€D 💯% ME😘 HoT & FrEaky Latina - 25
(Hoboken / Union City, incalls, Jersey City, North Jersey)
👅👅👅👅👅👅 VISITING 2 days Only ⛔ 👅Erotic 👅 💋Intimate💋 Its me or 🆓 👅👅👅👅👅 - 24
(Denver, Near Denver Airport INCALL/OUTCALL)
▒ ▓ █ ·☆· BrUnEtTe.BeAuTy *__ 5 StAr {(SeRviCe)} ★★ GuArAnTeEd .2. PlEaSe · LeaVinG sOon !!☆·█ ▓ ▒ - 22
(North Jersey, Secaucus-n.bergen.jersey city Incalls*)
Report Ad1oo% R€al ♛ N__O__T__ H__ I __ N__G __ ★ C__ O__ M __ P __ A __ R __ E __S ♛ - - 19
(City of San Diego, Hotel Circle)
*:?.♥ ?:*¨: M_e + YOU = A _ M_o_M_e_N_t _ 2 _ R_e_M_e_M_b_E_r *:?.♥ ?:*¨¨*:?: New Pic's - 24
(?★?Mentor AREA?★?)
( ( ( E V E R Y T H I N G ____ U R ____ L O O K I N G ____ F O R ) ) ) - 22
(Philadelphia, Lower Northeast)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - BRAZILAN/ DOMINICAN - - - -LEAVING N MORNING - - - - - - - - 23
(North Jersey)
++Warning: You May EXperience FeveriShiness Due To the Rise of Temperatures UpON Contact.++++ - 26
( W O N ' T )( S T O P ) ( T I L L )( U )( G E T )( E N O U G H )
(Denver, Cherry Creek S. Dr & Colorado Blvd)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - BRAZILAN/ DOMINICAN - - - -LEAVING 2day - - - - - - - - 23
(North Jersey, clifton private ncall)
• °o♥o°• WeLl ReViEwEd 34DD bLoNde GeNtLeMaN cHoIcE ! • °o♥o°• - 21
(New Orleans, In or Out near You !)
💋💋BLONDE♥ ♥) SPECIAL *( ♥♥BUSTY ♥36 DD♥)):B***A**C**K(( ♥(NEW GIRL) ♥ AVAiLABLE ♥ ♥ ))((NOW - 23
VOTED #1 on BP! Real * Tight,* Tone,* HOT* Independent* Don't miss out! Come see me! - 23
(City of Denver, Denver, Denver, Aurora, Glendale, Westminster)
Wine, Bubble Bath, & Candles. . . You Decide The Rest. . .. -Anaheim TODAY - 22
(Los Angeles, Upscale Anaheim Incall)
NeW In ToWn!!!! JuSt ArRiViNg!!!! TrUe UpScALe GFE PrOviDeR!!!! GrOwN aNd sExY!!!! - 30
Want Something sweet🍭 I can be your Treat🍰Sugar has Nothing on me🍯Why wait...Come see👀!new pics! - 22
(aurora outcalls and incalls, Denver)
*Lexi* Happy Hour $60 7-9p.m. Quick visit &$100 half hour! 216-355-6829 TER reviewed - 29
(W.150th&I-71; private residence!)
👄👄👄Spend Time with A lovely Ebony Goddess❤️❤️ 100 special!! - 25
(Las Vegas, 📞📞 Las Vegas Strip 📞📞 Wynn & encore)
_S_E_X_x_Y__ *H_o_T* - _L_A_T_I_N_A INCALL/OUTCALLS - UP LATE!! - 25
(North SD County, Encinitas Carlsbad Oceanside SM - IN/OUT)
=====❀ █ ▓ ☰Special Offer __$29.99 _ LUXURIOUS __No. ❶ - 23
(Las Vegas, 4130 E,Sunset Rd _☎_702-487-2879)
**LEXI** (216)355-6829 $75 Quick Visit! Sultry & Sexy T.E.R. ID# 132764 & 117401 (216)355-6829 - 29
(W.150th & I. 71)
Relax with sexy your favorite curvy Asian - 28
(City of San Diego, LA JOLLA , UTC, del mar, downtown)
H O T S E X Y B O M B S H E L L - 21
For the love of country and the good old days - available now - 53
(Columbus, north-central Worthington area)
💋 Well Reviewed 💋 Super Petite Exotic Beauty in LAX *SPECIALS* - 21
(Los Angeles, LAX Airport (incall/outcall))
Want to have some fun call lucky 80qk..120hh..180hour - 22
(Inglewood /hawthorne/lax, Los Angeles, Westside)
REAL Hot BLonde ★ ▬★ BEAUTiFUL SEXY ★ ▬▬ LOVE My JOB 😍😍 ★▬▬ ★ Real ★ ▬▬ ★ Dirty ★ ▬▬ ★ Blonde - 24
(City of San Diego, Incall Friars rd & OUTCALL all San Diego)
** ReviEWeD BBW WhiTegiRL** BuSty40DdS** BiG BoOtY* SwEeT &BEauTifUL;!! - 24
(South SD County, LA MESA)
Natural 36F Breasts & Long Legs! Baton Rouge 20th-25th, Metairie 26th-27th, Beaumont 28th-29th! - 49
Lets Play Together! I Am Ready For Fun!
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SmOkInG HoT - BUSTY BLONDE DD'S - BARBIE DOLL! - 32
(Las Vegas, incall/outcall)